Keynesian school of economics
This school is one of the more recent schools of economics as it surfaced in the 1930s. The theory was developed in the aftermath of the great depression. John Maynard Keynes , an economist from Cambridge University, neither supported the free market or the communist ideals. Instead of this, he took ideas from both and made a new idea of thinking. Keynesian economics . This branch of economics suggests that the government has the power to protect the economy from the harsh peaks and troughs in the business cycle using monetary and fiscal policy . This would be done by government spending in recessionary troughs and taxes in economic booms. There were more theories such as the multiplier effect . Fiscal policy Fiscal policy is a method of controlling the economy as a macroeconomist such as Jerome Powell in my last blog. Fiscal policy is all about taxes and government spending . There are two methods of using fiscal policy, expansionary and contractionary fiscal policy . The de...